24 Hour Prayer at CCA National day opf prayer at the TCC
The past 30 days have been incredible for those of us in the “intercessor role” and those of us in Tucson and in Arizona. We had our “Room 24” event in preparation for the National Day of Prayer. We had the event at the TCC in Tucson on May 9th which was fabulous. We had multiple events in Nogales, Arizona, changing the very landscape of our cities. Our hearts are thrilled to be a part of all that the Lord is doing.
Our last “Room 24” event was in April in Tucson, at Central City Assembly. Our son Jeff was able to join us as worship leader for the entire event. He attracted a few live worshipers, Mandy (Amanda Mitchell Cloud) and Abby from CCA - thank you! So happy to have them with us. We are always amazed at how God provides for us. Friday night and late into the morning we had many of you with us, some for the first time. Very early Saturday, we dwindled down to our faithful, (So glad for you all!) and some additional warriors who stopped in to join us. Lord, how we love that feeling. Our flesh wears out and Your Spirit becomes Powerful. I found a verse recently, that I have read many times but came fresh again
Psalm 132: 3-5
Surely I will not enter my house, nor lie on my bed;
I will not give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids,
Until I find a place for the Lord,
A dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob
And more recently...
Psalm 149:148
My eyes anticipate the night watches,
That I may meditate on Your word.
We are on to something, intercessors. As we press in, let’s focus on how Faithful our God is. We are not done. We have only begun to see the morning rays.
Please join us May 21/22 2016 for “Room 24” at our home.