Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Restoration Community Ministries Unites with Room 24

When:  Friday, February 27th at 6pm through Saturday, February 28th 6pm

Where:  Restoration Community Ministries, 5020 North 23rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015

“I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut,
 and what he shuts no one can open.Isaiah 22:22

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”  Matthew 16:9

Intercessors throughout Phoenix and Tucson are joining together in unity to pray! We believe prayer changes things and we are taking our places on the wall as “Watchman” over our cities & state to see the Lord move mightily!  Come and join us in prayer!

We will have dedicated times of focus on:

·         Soaking In His Presence
·         Repentance and Baptism in the Holy Spirit
·         Declarations & Activation of the Promises of God & Gifts of the Holy Spirit for us (individually & corporately) 
·         Keys for Opening of Doors & Gates in our lives personally & corporately for our City & State
·         Praying for the Lost & God’s manifested Glory over our state
·         Breaking of Bread (Communion) & Fellowship together

We will have prayer “shift leaders” to oversee the entire 24 hours; making it possible for you to join us in prayer at any time but we encourage you to come for as long as you can! Praise & Worship will be available; both live and recorded.   Available prayer directives will assist you as well as corporate times prayer is encouraged. Opportunities for communion will be presented and areas will be available for prophetic art throughout the event for those interested.

We expect God’s presence, direction, and answers to our prayers as we collectively seek Him! Will you join us? Someone is in need of YOUR prayers!

We declare and decree – An Encounter with the King, His name is Jesus!

For more Information:
Visit our website: www.rcmag.org   or   www.room24az.com
Please Call or email:  (602)799-9813 or [email protected] or (520) 490-7091 or [email protected] to let us know you will be joining us. 

With anticipation of His Presence,
Pastors Reggie & Annie Doughty

Elias & Ann Abyad

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