Room 24
Friday, March 12, 2021
ROOM 24 at our Home February 19/20, 2021
We were out of town and were unable to schedule Room 24 at our home New Year’s Eve. We missed the occasion as it is always special to start the New Year with prayer. Instead, we were blessed with the arrival of our 8th grandchild, “Lily Joy Fogg” on January 4th and were especially blessed to spend the New Year waiting for her arrival. Funny, but in retrospect, much of this COVID year has been spent waiting. For the church in particular, we all have a sense that God is doing a new thing in our midst. Almost like waiting for the birth of a baby. We have slowed down and a lot of what God is doing has been happening underneath the surface events we typically give our attention to. February 19/20, 2021 was our first “Room 24” for the year. Our expectations were high as we sensed that God had finally said “go”. We gathered to blow the shofar for prayer in 2021. As we followed our pattern for “tabernacle prayer” on Friday night we were directed to focus in and choose to put our focus on the fear of the Lord. God moved powerfully in that time. Most of us mentioned that theme as key during the rest of the hours. The Holy Spirit is like that. We receive a revelation that changes everything even as we continue with our agenda. So many of those who are part of the “Room 24” team shared particular areas of prayer during the 24 hours and we were all freshly blessed by their words. In the coming year, we sense that greater participation. God has given us a remnant in Room 24. Individuals who make up His greater plan. When we come together, we are refreshed by His intercessors and are grateful to have found each other.
Our March event will be at Living Word Church in Tucson on March 19/20. Please plan on joining us.
Isaiah 43:19 NASB
Behold, I am going to do something new, now it will spring up. Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Room 24 at Living Word Church November 20, 2020
“The triumph of God’s Love”! That is the title of the section in Romans 8, that I came face to face with this morning after our 24 hours together at Living Word Church.
The Triumph of God’s Love
31 So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us? 32 For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all,[ab] he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.
33 Who then would dare to accuse those whom God has chosen in love to be his? God himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them—“Not guilty!”[ac]
34 Who then is left to condemn us? Certainly not Jesus, the Anointed One! For he gave his life for us, and even more than that, he has conquered death and is now risen, exalted, and enthroned by God at his right hand. So how could he possibly condemn us since he is continually praying for our triumph?[ad]
35 Who could ever separate us from the endless love of God’s Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish his love toward us. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between us and heaven’s love. What about persecutions, deprivations,[ae] dangers, and death threats? No, for they are all impotent to hinder omnipotent love, 36 even though it is written:
All day long we face death threats for your sake, God.
We are considered to be nothing more
than sheep to be slaughtered![af]
37 Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors,[ag] and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything![ah]
38 So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles,[ai] fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love. 39 There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!
Lord, you are so Good! We are soaking in His love, so powerfully with us this entire weekend. Thank you Pastor Gene & Sarah, Room 24 and all who attended. The love of God was everywhere. We were in Your arms Jesus and have been wrecked by Your Glory. As I’m typing here, I realize that my words are insufficient, my thoughts…not enough. We don’t really know what happened, we just know You were there. Thank you! Your tenderness and lovingkindness…. Once again, we are “hooked”. This pastor jumped on board when we talked about Room 24’s version of 24 hour prayer and we so appreciate that. We know we will be back - after we get some sleep! :).
Monday, October 12, 2020
Room 24 Update December 2019 - August 2020
August 2020
What a year 2020 has been! We started the year with a “Room 24” event at our house on New Year’s Eve. We had a great time together. The 24 hours was marked by “joy” and we felt that the Lord was gifting us with “joy” for the year to come. Thinking back, we believe the “joy of the the Lord” has been our strength!
We had two additional 24 hour events, first in January at Restoration Community Ministries in Phoenix and at Adina’s home in Tucson in February 2020. At RCM we focused on love using Matt 22:36-40 as our focus and at Adina’s we pressed in to worship the Father “in Spirit and Truth”. We did not know at the time how much we would rely on these scriptures in 2020.
March began the “COVID” months. Our initial response was to wait, so we postponed our March event. But then, by April, we saw another pressing need at the hospitals. We rallied the troops to pray at the hospital sites in Tucson. These meetings continued weekly in April and May. Along with the rest of the world, we got familiar with Zoom and started having our Tuesday prayer meetings at home. The phone calls were blessed and provided us the connection we longed for. We were empowered and decided to use Zoom for our April 24 hour event. We did this again in May for the National Day of Prayer event. I don’t think any of us really expected that we would be living this pandemic experience for so long.
June and July passed quickly, as some started vacations and other projects, but we always maintained that Tuesday night prayer. I think we were all hoping to return to “normal”, but here it is August and we really have evolved to a “new normal”. The prophetic words coming from the church have confirmed this. Whatever our immediate future, we can all count on this - the past as we know it has changed forever - and we are walking in the new thing God has for us. Well, the desire to pray together has not gone away even though many other activities have. For now, we have scheduled a smaller gathering in August that will include zoom coverage. And slowly we grow, step by step, into His plans for us.
God willing, we will be gathering again for “The Return”, a global day of prayer scheduled for Sept 26th on the national mall in DC. We are still holding the format lightly and leaving plenty of room for adjustments.
Jesus, we believe You are in all of this - that your will for us has not changed. Lord, open our ears, that we can hear what you are saying to the churches!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Room 24 at Iglesia La Gracia De Dios November 2019
November 15-16,02019
Sitting now, considering all the blessings you have given us. Spent 24 hours with La Gracia de Dios. It passed by so quickly, so comfortably, like spending time in Your living room, Lord. Such a sweet Presence. And as was noted on Saturday afternoon, not just your Presence but you Glory. Thank you Lord.
We like to begin Friday with repentance and communion and have taken on Tabernacle Prayer as a way to walk through a preparation for prayer. Each time, we marvel at what God is showing us. We had many different faces taking parts on Friday night and managed to present mostly in Spanish with some English translation. We loved it. We are so grateful for our supporters and our translators. For the pastors who welcome us into their churches.
Talking about the Brazen Altar, we saw salvations - Praise God. Carmen & Yara did a great job taking us through the commandments and the water on our hands at the Laver was very special. We spoke of the candlesticks, the table of show-bread and the altar of incense. Some of the words we received:
*In reference to Psalm 23:4, “The heavens opened with fire and took the darkness away”.
*Milk flowing - Exodus 3:17
*We are here to do, time is a gift! - James 4:13-17
Praise & thanksgiving rose up and we spent time in the Holy Spirit.
P Ken guided us through the Tabernacle with its mercy seat and so much meaning for us today.
I love these intercessors. I especially love the night. It quiets down a bit for some, but His fire lights the way, every time. We went after areas of breakthrough, the box of prayer requests, worshiping all along the way.
And the morning, the resurrection time. “Oh death, were is thy sting”, I Corinthians 15:55-57.
Our day included healing room and more breakthrough for individuals. We are as blessed being on the teams as receiving. The voice of the Lord is so powerful in pictures. Speaking of pictures, Adina’s painting for the Presence & Glory in the shape of the Tabernacle was awesome to witness as she painted. We had individual testimony from so many; Joe with his new heart, and all the healing received in healing room prayer.
We prayed for the city, the nation, the borders. We prayed for Israel. We prayed for the ministries and pastors of La Gracia de Dios. Thank you church for your warm hospitality, many meals and incredible fellowship
We leave this time humbled, warmed by His Presence, fully open to all He has for each of us.
Thank You Lord!
Room 24 at Bethel Church October 2019
September 30 to October 6, 2019
This past October, instead of our usual 24 hour prayer, we traveled to Bethel, Redding, CA. We took a group with us and drove ourselves first to LA and then on Highway 1 as far as we could go before turning toward Redding. The route was extraordinarily beautiful and captured the magnificence of our God! Some of us came by plane. We all gathered at the same hotel which became our new home together.
We spent a week at Bethel Redding, first attending the Open Heaven’s Conference and then staying for the Saturday Healing Room and Sunday services. We did manage a little site seeing which took us to McArthur-Burney Falls for more extraordinary views.
The conference was great. So many people and from 41 nations attended. It was at the Civic Center in Redding. Even standing on line to get in was an adventure. God ordained conversations were everywhere. We were all so touched by all of it; the worship, the speakers, the people. The culture at Bethel is unique in its peaceful atmosphere which stretches out way beyond the church campus to the area itself. Somehow, amongst all the movement of people and managing of their needs, nothing ever seemed out of order. The atmosphere was that of a small church, totally relaxed and welcoming.
Our time together was rich. There was lots of fellowship time for our group. We even managed to have a Saturday evening service, like we do at home, in the hotel coffee room. We shared experiences and testimonies along with coffee.
We each came away with a lifetime of memories and powerful spiritual encounters. We are so grateful for this trip.
Room 24 at Cantico Nuevo, Nogales Mexico September 2019
September 13-14, 2019
It was great to be back in Nogales, Sonora for 24 hour prayer with Pastor Alfredo & Eunice and the church members. They are in their new location now. So much space to enjoy, but still that feeling of home. Pastor Alfredo had a number of young leaders with him who led in different areas of Tabernacle Prayer. It was wonderful to enjoy so many new hearts coming together.
The church is home to us. Since we tried to keep as much of the prayer as possible in Spanish, we had friends sitting with us translating the whole time. We were a few aisles of kumbaya, enjoying the Lord together! :). We love these pastors and their heart for prayer. Somewhere in the middle of the night, Pastor Alfredo acknowledged - here we are - in the Presence of God - this is the time to fellowship with Him, His Presence is so great. And it was! One of my favorite things about Room 24 and these prayer times everywhere, is that we can recognize when His Presence falls. It is so thick at times. And Pastor is right, so noticeable in the middle of the night.
Healing room was great. We spent hours at it. After a night of prayer, the words for individuals comes so easy!
Pastor Ochoa shared a word with us in the afternoon and joined us for lunch. The time we spend in Mexico is often highlighted by these pastors who join us in prayer. We so appreciate their fellowship.
Of course, you know we had wonderful meals together. When we began Room 24 we used to snack on coffee and fruit and vegetable trays. We learned to eat at our occasions in Mexico. We so love this fellowship, the food yes; but also the chatting and praying and the children and families we visit.
Thank you church for your warm hospitality, always!
Room 24 at Mount Lemon August 2019
August 23-24, 2019
Wow! End of summer and our desire was to host prayer in a vacation setting. What a blessing! We were up in the mountains in August when its hot and hotter in Tucson, but cool with breezes at Mount Lemon. We rented a cabin there. The ride up was beautiful. Our first challenge was pulling into the driveway which was an uphill climb with a bit of a curve! Oh my. Just beginning to realize that hanging off mountain tops is not my favorite thing. But once landed, wow, what a beautiful location and more special as a gathering for prayer. The cabin was spacious with a full porch that circled 3/4’s of the house. The rooms inviting. There was a main living room for prayer, a large dining room table and a kitchen that was equipped for every meal. We had everything we needed, and some fresh mountain air.
As we began our prayer the Presence of God was immediate and sustained. We all thought we were individually having a unique encounter with God, but later in sharing, we realized His Presence was everywhere and with each of us. One step unto the porch and we saw that we were literally praying in the clouds. It was so refreshing to pull back and refill our spirits. Our time together was precious. Thank you Lord for giving us so much!
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